Source code for fhirbug.server.requestparser

from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

from fhirbug.exceptions import QueryValidationError

[docs]def generate_query_string(query): ''' Convert a ``FhirRequestQuery`` back to a query string. ''' url_queries = "&".join( [ f"{param}={value}" for param, values in query.search_params.items() for value in values if param != "search-offset" ] ) url_queries = "&" + url_queries if url_queries else "" return url_queries
[docs]def split_join(lst): """ Accepts a list of comma separated strings, splits them and joins them in a new list >>> split_join(['a,b,c', 'd', 'e,f']) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] """ return [e for elem in lst for e in elem.split(",")]
[docs]class FhirRequestQuery: """ Represents parsed parameters from requests. """ def __init__( self, resource, resourceId=None, operation=None, operationId=None, modifiers={}, search_params={}, body=None, request=None, ): #: A string containing the name of the requested Resource. eg: ``'Procedure'`` self.resource = resource #: The id of the requested resource if a specific resource was requested else ``None`` self.resourceId = resourceId #: A string holding the requested `operation <>`_ such as ``$meta`` or ``$validate`` self.operation = operation #: Extra parameters passed after the operation. For example if ``Patient/123/_history/2`` was requested, #: ``operation`` would be ``_history`` and ``operationId`` would be ``2`` self.operationId = operationId #: Dictionary. Keys are modifier names and values are the provided values. Holds search parameters #: that start with an underscore. #: For example ``Patient/123?_format=json`` would have a modifiers value of ``{'_format': 'json'}`` self.modifiers = modifiers #: Dictionary. Keys are parameter names and values are the provided values. Holds search parameters #: that are not modifiers #: For example ``Patient/123?_format=json`` would have a modifiers value of ``{'_format': 'json'}`` self.search_params = search_params self.body = body self.request = request
[docs]def parse_url(url): """ Parse an http request string and produce an option dict. >>> p = parse_url('Patient/123/$validate?_format=json') >>> p.resource 'Patient' >>> p.resourceId '123' >>> p.operation '$validate' >>> p.modifiers {'_format': ['json']} >>> p.search_params {} :param url: a string containing the path of the request. It should not contain the server path. For example: `Patients/123?name:contains=Jo` :returns: A :class:`FhirRequestQuery` object """ # Supported operations that may be applied straight on a resource type base_operations = ["_search", "_history"] parsed = urlparse(url) # Parse the path path = parsed.path.split("/") # Remove the empty string from the end if the path ends with a slash if path[-1] == "": path.pop(-1) # Remove the empty string from the start if the path is only a slash if path and path[0] == "": path.pop(0) resource = path.pop(0) if path else None # The second item may be a resource id or a base operator. We check if it exists in base_operations if path and path[0] in base_operations: resourceId = None operation = path.pop(0) if path else None else: resourceId = path.pop(0) if path else None operation = path.pop(0) if path else None operationId = path.pop(0) if operation and path else None # parse the query strings qs = parse_qs(parsed.query) # Get the built-in `_keywords` modifiers = { param: split_join(value) for param, value in qs.items() if param.startswith("_") } # Get the rest of the search parameters search_params = { param: split_join(value) for param, value in qs.items() if not param in modifiers } # We accept both id and _id params, but transfer _id to search_params as id id_param = modifiers.pop("_id", None) if id_param: search_params["id"] = id_param params = { "resource": resource, "resourceId": resourceId, "operation": operation, "operationId": operationId, "modifiers": modifiers, "search_params": search_params, } validate_params(params) return FhirRequestQuery(**params)
[docs]def validate_params(params): """ Validate a parameter dictionary. If the parameters are invalid, raise a QueryValidationError with the details. :param params: Parameter dictionary produced by parse_url :return: :raises: :exc:`fhirbug.exceptions.QueryValidationError` """ pass
# if not_valid(params): # raise QueryValidationError(f'Invalid request string')