Source code for fhirbug.models.attributes

import builtins
from importlib import import_module
from fhirbug.exceptions import (
from fhirbug.Fhir import resources as fhir
from fhirbug.config import import_searches, import_models, settings
from fhirbug.server import get_request_context

[docs]def audited(func): """ A decorator that adds auditing functionality to the ``__get__`` and ``__set__`` methods of descriptor Attributes. Attribute auditors, depending on the result of the audit, can return ``True``, meaning access to the attribute has been granted or ``False``, meaning access has been denied but execution should continue normally. If execution should stop and an error returned to the requester, it should raise an exception. """ def with_audit(desc, instance, arg): # __set__ does not receive an owner argument owner if func.__name__ == "__set__": own = instance.__class__ method = "audit_set" else: own = arg method = "audit_get" ctx = get_request_context() prop_name = getattr(desc, "_attribute_name", "") if ( hasattr(desc, method) and ctx is not None and getattr(desc, method) is not None ): res = getattr(desc, method)(instance._model, ctx, prop_name) if res != True: return None return func(desc, instance, arg) return with_audit
[docs]class Attribute: """ The base class for declaring db to fhir mappings. Accepts three positional arguments, a getter, a setter and a searcher. Getting values -------------- The getter parameter can be a string, a tuple, a callable or type const. - Using a string: >>> from types import SimpleNamespace as SN >>> class Bla: ... _model = SN(column_name=12) ... p = Attribute('column_name') ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p 12 - Strings can also be properties: >>> class Model: ... column_name = property(lambda x: 13) >>> class Bla: ... _model = Model() ... p = Attribute('column_name') ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p 13 - Callables will be called: >>> class Bla: ... _model = SN(column_name=12) ... def get_col(self): ... return 'test' ... p = Attribute(get_col) ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p 'test' - As a shortcut, a tuple (col_name, callable) can be passed. The result will be callable(_model.col_name) >>> import datetime >>> class Bla: ... _model = SN(date='2012') ... p = Attribute(('date', int)) ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p 2012 Setting values -------------- The setter parameter can be a string, a tuple, a callable or type const. - Using a string: >>> class Bla: ... _model = SN(date='2012') ... p = Attribute(setter='date') ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p = '2013' >>> '2013' - Again, the string can point to a property with a setter: >>> class Model: ... b = 12 ... def set_b(self, value): ... self.b = value ... column_name = property(lambda self: self.b, set_b) >>> class Bla: ... _model = Model() ... p = Attribute(getter='column_name', setter='column_name') ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p = 13 >>> b.p == b._model.b == 13 True - Callables will be called: >>> class Bla: ... _model = SN(column_name=12) ... def set_col(self, value): ... self._model.column_name = value ... p = Attribute(setter=set_col) ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p = 'test' >>> b._model.column_name 'test' - Two-tuples contain a column name and a callable or const. Set the column to the result of the callable or const >>> def add(column, value): ... return column + value >>> class Bla: ... _model = SN(column_name=12) ... p = Attribute(setter=('column_name', add)) ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p = 3 >>> b._model.column_name 15 """ def __init__( self, getter=None, setter=None, searcher=None, search_regex=None, audit_get=None, audit_set=None, ): self.getter = getter self.setter = setter self.searcher = searcher self.audit_get = audit_get self.audit_set = audit_set if search_regex: self.search_regex = search_regex @audited def __get__(self, instance, owner): getter = self.getter # Strings are column names if isinstance(getter, str): return getattr(instance._model, getter) # Consts provide a constant value if isinstance(getter, const): return getter.value # Callables should be called if callable(getter): return getter(instance) # Two-tuples contain a column name and a callable. Pass the column value to the callable if isinstance(getter, (tuple, list)): column, func = getter return func(getattr(instance._model, column)) @audited def __set__(self, instance, value): try: setter = self.setter assert setter is not None except (AttributeError, AssertionError): if settings.STRICT_MODE.get("set_attribute_without_setter", False): raise UnsupportedOperationError( "You are trying to alter an attribute that can not be changed" ) else: # TODO: log return # Strings are column names if isinstance(setter, str): setattr(instance._model, setter, value) # Callables should be called if callable(setter): setter(instance, value) # Two-tuples contain a column name and a callable or const. Set the column to the result of the callable or const if isinstance(setter, (tuple, list)): column, func = setter if isinstance(func, const): setattr(instance._model, column, func.value) else: res = func(getattr(instance._model, column), value) setattr(instance._model, column, res) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): """ Save the name this descriptor has been assigned to """ self._attribute_name = name def _get_property_name(self, owner_cls): """ .. deprecated:: 0.1.2 Deprecated: Use ``self._attribute_name`` instead. Traverses the class's inheritance tree and finds the property name this Attribute has been assigned to. This is useful because the property name is the name of the the Fhir attribute the property represents. :param: class owner_cls The class that owns this property :returns: The Fhir name this Attribute has been assigned to. :r_type: str """ if not owner_cls: return for cls in owner_cls.mro()[:-1]: for k, v in vars(cls).items(): if id(v) == id(self): return k
[docs]class const: """ const can be used as a getter for an attribute that should always return the same value >>> from types import SimpleNamespace as SN >>> class Bla: ... p = Attribute(const(12)) ... >>> b = Bla() >>> b.p 12 """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
[docs]class BooleanAttribute(Attribute): """ Used for attributes representing boolean types. ``truthy_values`` and ``falsy_values`` are used to determine which possible values from the database we should consider as True and False. Values that are not in any of the lists are mapped to ``default`` and if that is None, a MappingValidationError is thrown. :param save_true_as: How do we save True in the database :param save_false_as: How do we save Fasle in the database :param deafult: If we read a value that is not in ``truthy_values`` or ``falsy_values``, it will default to ths value. :param list truthy_values: Which values, when read from the database should be mapped to True :param list falsy_values: Which values, when read from the database should be mapped to False """ def __init__( self, *args, save_true_as=1, save_false_as=0, default=None, truthy_values=["true", "True", 1, "1"], falsy_values=["false", "False", "0", 0], **kwargs, ): self.save_true_as = save_true_as self.save_false_as = save_false_as self.truthy_values = truthy_values self.falsy_values = falsy_values self.default = default return super(BooleanAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __get__(self, *args, **kwargs): value = super(BooleanAttribute, self).__get__(*args, **kwargs) if value in self.truthy_values: return True elif value in self.falsy_values: return False else: return self.default def __set__(self, instance, value): if value: value = self.save_true_as else: value = self.save_false_as super(BooleanAttribute, self).__set__(instance, value)
[docs]class ReferenceAttribute(Attribute): """ A Reference to some other Resource that may be contained. """ def __init__(self, cls, id, name, setter=None, force_display=False, searcher=None): self.cls = cls = id = name self.setter = setter self.force_display = force_display self.searcher = searcher def __get__(self, instance, owner): cls_name = self.cls.__name__ id = getattr(instance._model, if ( in instance._model._contained_names ): # The resource should be contained # Get the item item = self.cls._get_orm_query().get(id) # TODO: try..catch as_fhir = item.to_fhir() instance._model._refcount += 1 = f"ref{instance._model._refcount}" instance._model._contained_items.append(as_fhir) # Build the reference dict reference = {"reference": f"#ref{instance._model._refcount}"} # Add a display if possible if hasattr(item, "_as_display"): reference["display"] = item._as_display() return reference else: # The resource is not contained, generate a url # Build the reference dict reference = { "reference": f"{cls_name}/{id}", "identifier": {"system": f"{cls_name}", "value": str(id)}, } if self.force_display: # Do a query to fetch the display # TODO: can we check if it supprts `_as_display` before querying? item = self.cls._get_orm_query().get(id) if hasattr(item, "_as_display"): reference["display"] = item._as_display() return reference def __set__(self, instance, reference): value = None try: # TODO: can we make this all a user-defined parameter for the entire identifier? sys = reference.identifier.system # assigner = reference.identifier.assigner value = reference.identifier.value except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(reference, "reference"): ref = reference.reference if ref.startswith("#"): # TODO read internal reference pass if value is None: raise MappingValidationError("Invalid reference") if self.setter: Attribute(setter=self.setter).__set__(instance, value)
[docs]class DateAttribute(Attribute): def __init__(self, field, audit_get=None, audit_set=None): self.audit_get = audit_get self.audit_set = audit_set searches = import_searches() def setter(old_date_str, new_date_str): if hasattr(new_date_str, "strftime"): return fhir.FHIRDate(new_date_str).date if isinstance(new_date_str, str): return fhir.FHIRDate(new_date_str).date elif isinstance(new_date_str, fhir.FHIRDate): return self.getter = (field, fhir.FHIRDate) self.setter = (field, setter) self.searcher = searches.DateSearch(field)
[docs]class NameAttribute(Attribute): """ NameAttribute is for used on fields that represnt a HumanName resource. The parameters can be any of the valid getter and setter types for simple :class:`Attribute` :param family_getter: A getter type parameter for the family name. :param given_getter: A getter type parameter for the given name :param family_setter: A setter type parameter for the family name :param given_setter: A getter type parameter for the given name """ def __init__( self, family_getter=None, given_getter=None, family_setter=None, given_setter=None, join_given_names=False, pass_given_names=False, getter=None, setter=None, searcher=None, given_join_separator=" ", audit_get=None, audit_set=None, ): self.audit_get = audit_get self.audit_set = audit_set searches = import_searches() if join_given_names and pass_given_names: raise MappingException( "You can not pass both pass_given_names and join_given_names. Only one of these arguments is allowed to be True" ) def _getter(instance): family = Attribute(family_getter).__get__(instance, None) given = Attribute(given_getter).__get__(instance, None) return fhir.HumanName(family=family, given=given) def _setter(instance, humanNames): family = humanNames[0].family if join_given_names: given = given_join_separator.join(humanNames[0].given) elif pass_given_names: given = humanNames[0].given else: given = humanNames[0].given[0] Attribute(setter=family_setter).__set__(instance, family) Attribute(setter=given_setter).__set__(instance, given) def _searcher(cls, field_name, value, sql_query, query): # TODO: only works with string fields if "family" in field_name: return searches.StringSearch(family_getter)( cls, field_name, value, sql_query, query ) if "given" in field_name: return searches.StringSearch(given_getter)( cls, field_name, value, sql_query, query ) return searches.StringSearch(family_getter, given_getter)( cls, field_name, value, sql_query, query ) self.getter = getter or _getter self.setter = setter or _setter self.searcher = searcher or _searcher self.search_regex = r"(family|given|name)(:\w*)?"
[docs]class EmbeddedAttribute(Attribute): """ An attribute representing a BackboneElement that is described by a model and is stored using an ORM relationship, usually a ForeignKeyField or an embedded mongo document. """ def __init__(self, *args, type=None, **kwargs): if type is None: raise MappingValidationError( "You hane defined an EmbeddedAttribute without specifying the type." ) self._type = type super(EmbeddedAttribute, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def type(self): # If a class name has been passed as a string, import the model _type = self._type if type(_type) is str: models = import_models() _type = getattr(models, _type) return _type def __get__(self, instance, owner): # Let the ORM handle getting the backbone element. The ORM should return # a Fhirbug map. embedded_resource = super(EmbeddedAttribute, self).__get__(instance, owner) if embedded_resource is None: return None # Handle lists if type(embedded_resource) is list: return [r.to_fhir() for r in embedded_resource] # Return a fhir resource return embedded_resource.to_fhir() def __set__(self, instance, value): """ We accept a Fhir Resource class when handling requests but we also allow setting the value using a dictionary. We convert to a Fhir Map and set. """ if type(value) is dict: value = self.dict_to_resource(value) embedded_resource = self.type.from_resource(value) elif type(value) is list: embedded_resource = map( lambda v: self.type.from_resource(self.dict_to_resource(v)) if type(v) is dict else self.type.from_resource(v), value, ) else: embedded_resource = self.type.from_resource(value) return super(EmbeddedAttribute, self).__set__(instance, embedded_resource)
[docs] def dict_to_resource(self, dict): """ Convert a dictionary to an instance of the corresponding FHIR resource """ mapperClass = self.type ResourceClass = mapperClass._get_resource_cls() return ResourceClass(dict)