Source code for fhirbug.exceptions

[docs]class DoesNotExistError(Exception): """ A http request query was malformed or not understood by the server """ def __init__(self, pk=None, resource_type=None): = pk self.resource_type = resource_type
[docs]class QueryValidationError(Exception): """ A http request query was malformed or not understood by the server """ pass
[docs]class MappingValidationError(Exception): """ A fhir mapping has been set up wrong """ pass
[docs]class ConfigurationError(Exception): """ Something is wrong with the settings """ pass
[docs]class InvalidOperationError(Exception): """ The requested opertion is not valid """ pass
[docs]class UnsupportedOperationError(Exception): """ The requested opertion is not supported by this server """ pass
[docs]class MappingException(Exception): """ A fhir mapping received data that was not correct """ pass
[docs]class OperationError(Exception): """ An exception that happens during a requested operation that should be returned as an OperationOutcome to the user. """ def __init__( self, severity="error", code="exception", diagnostics="", status_code=500 ): self.severity = severity self.code = code self.diagnostics = diagnostics self.status_code = status_code
[docs] def to_fhir(self): """ Express the exception as an OperationOutcome resource. This allows us to catch it and immediately return it to the user. """ from fhirbug.Fhir.resources import OperationOutcome return OperationOutcome( { "issue": [ { "severity": self.severity, "code": self.code, "diagnostics": self.diagnostics, } ] } )
[docs]class AuthorizationError(Exception): """ The request could not be authorized. """ def __init__(self, auditEvent, query=None): #: This exception carries an auditEvent resource describing why authorization failed #: It can be thrown anywhere in a mappings ``.get()`` method. self.auditEvent = auditEvent self.query = query